Paper Pattern Secondary 1st Sem

Std Sixth (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 2.1 to 2.7) Marks
   Language study 6
1  Tenses  
2  Punctuation  
3  Pronoun & its type.  
4  Compound word / Find out the hidden words / Word register  
5  Parts of speech  
   Seen Passage 7
1  Simple activity 2
2  Answer the following questions 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Grammar 1
5  Personal response. 1
   Seen Passage 7
1  Simple activity 2
2  Answer the following questions. 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Grammar 1
5  Personal response. 1
   Seen poem 5
1  Simple activity 2
2  Answer the following question 2
3  Grammar 1
   Unseen passage 5
1  Simple Activity 1
2  Answer the following question 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Personal response 1
   Writing skills 5
1  Letter writing  
   Expansion of Idea 5
1  Essay writing / Speech writing  
Q.No Hindi (Chp.:1 to 4) Marks
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 1 to 4) Marks
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 4 - 9) Marks
1A  Four alterative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct  alternative and write the alphabet of that answer 4
B  Solve the following questions. 4
2A  Complete and write any two activities from the following. 4
B  Solve any four sub-questions from the following. 8
3A  Complete and write any ONE activities from the following. 3
B  Attempt any two sub-questions. 6
4  Attempt any two sub-questions from the following 8
5  Attempt any one sub-questions from the following. 3
Q.No Science (Chp.: 5 - 8) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 4
2A  Match the column  3
B  Choose the correct alternative 2
3A  Spot the following in the table of vitamin and minerals 2
B  Who am I? 2
C  What are we used for? 2
4A  Why does this happen? 2
B  What will happen if? ............. and why? 2
C  What is it made from? Why? (Any 2) 4
5  Give scientific reason 6
6  Answer the following (Any 4) 8
7  Draw diagram (Any 1) 3
Q.No History (Chp.: 4 to 6) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks  2
2  Right or Wrong 3
3  Answer in one word 3
4  Short notes. (Any 1) 2
5  Give Reasons (Any 1) 2
6  Complete the table 2
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 2 & 3) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks. 2
2  Answer in two to three sentences. (Any 1) 2
3  One Sentences / Whats your opinion (Any 1) 2
Q.No Geography Oral (Chp.: 03 - 05) Marks
1  Who am I 3
2 Where am I 3
3  Complete the following table. 4
4  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
5  Write short notes on (Any 1) 2
6  Draw the Diagram & labeled 2


Std Seventh (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 2.1 to 2.7) Marks
1  Language study 5
i  Tenses  
ii  Conjuction  
iii  Subject and Predicate  
2A  Seen Passage 10
i  Simple activity 2
ii  Answer the following questions 2
iiii  Grammar 2
iv  Grammar 2
v  Personal response. 2
2B  Seen Passage 10
i  Simple activity 2
ii  Answer the following questions. 2
iii  Grammar 2
iv  Grammar 2
v  Personal response. 2
3A  Seen poem 5
i  Simple activity 2
ii  Answer the following question 2
iii  Grammar 1
3B  Appreciation of the poem 5
4  Unseen passage 5
1  Simple Activity 1
2  Answer the following question 2
3  Grammar 1
4  Personal response 1
5  Writing skills 5
1  Letter writing informal  
6  Expansion of Idea / Narrating an experience 5
Q.No Hindi (Chp.:1 to 4) Marks
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 1 to 4) Marks
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 4 - 8) Marks
1A  Four alterative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct  alternative and write the alphabet of that answer 4
B  Solve the following questions. 4
2A  Complete and write any two activities from the following. 4
B  Solve any four sub-questions from the following. 8
3A  Complete and write any ONE activities from the following. 3
B  Attempt any two sub-questions. 6
4  Attempt any two sub-questions from the following 8
5  Attempt any one sub-questions from the following. 3
Q.No Science (Chp.: 6 - 10) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 5
2A  Match the column  4
B  Find the odd man out 3
3A  True or False 2
B  Explain giving examples 4
4A  What are the remedial measures for the following calamities (Any 2) 4
B  Give scientific reason. (Any 2) 6
5  Answer the following in your own words. (Any 3) 6
6  Answer the following. 6
7A  Solve the following (Any 2) 6
B  Draw diagram and label it. (Any 1) 4
Q.No History (Chp.: 04 to 06) Marks
1  Write the meaning (Any 1) 1
2  Write about these personalities and their work (Any 1) 2
3  Find the odd man out  2
4  Find out and write (Any 2) 4
5  Give Reasons (Any 1) 2
6  Find the names 2
7  Arrange in choronological order 2
8  Write about in your own words (Any 1) 2
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 02 & 03) Marks
1  Prepare and complete the table of the following 2
2  Find one words for  2
3  Answer in following  (Any 1) 2
4  Explain the following concept  (Any 1) 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 03 - 05)) Marks
1  Choose the correct option 3
2  Give Reason (Any 2) 4
3  Answer in short (Any 2) 4
4  Differentiate between (Any 1) 2
5  Answer in brief (Any 2) 4
6  Match the column 4
7  Complete the flow chart 2
8  Draw neat diagram and labele it 2


Std Eight (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 2.1 to 2.5) Marks

Langauge Study(Alphabatical order, Hidden words, Finite/ Non finite & its type,Direct & Indirect speech)

1A  Do as directed (Any 2) 2
1B  Do as directed. (Any 1) 2
1C  Do as directed. (Any 1) 1
   Textual Passage (Reading skills, vocabulary and grammar)  
2A  Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below 10
i  Objective level question 2
ii  Answer the following questions 3
iiii  Write the meaning of - 2
iv  Grammar 2
v  Personal response. 3
2B  Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below  10
i  Objective based questions 2
ii  Answer the following questions. 3
iii  Write the antonyms for the following 1
iv  Grammar 1
v  Personal response. 3
3A Read the following extract and complete the activities that follows  5
i  Objective based questions 2
ii  Answer the following question 2
iii  Name the figure of speech 1
3B  Write an appreciation of the poem using the following points 5
1  Title of the poem 1/2
2  Poet’s name 1/2
3  Rhyme scheme and rhyming words 1
4  Figure of speech 1
5  Theme / Central idea of the poem 2
   Non – Textual Passage (Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar) 5
   Read the following passage and complete the activities that follow  
i  Objective based questions  
ii  Answer the following questions  
iii  Grammar  
iv  Personal response  
   Writing Skills  
5  Letter Writing (Informal Letter). 5
6  Do any one of the following 5
7   Imaginary writing OR Speech Writing  
Q.No Hindi (Chp.: 5 - 9) Marks
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 4 - 7) Marks
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 4 - 9) Marks
1A  Four alterative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct  alternative and write the alphabet of that answer 4
B  Solve the following questions. 4
2A  Complete and write any two activities from the following. 4
B  Solve any four sub-questions from the following. 8
3A  Complete and write any ONE activities from the following. 3
B  Attempt any two sub-questions. 6
4  Attempt any two sub-questions from the following 8
5  Attempt any one sub-questions from the following. 3
Q.No Science (Chp.: 6 - 10) Marks
1A  Choose the appropriate option and rewrite the following statements 4
1B  Match the column 4
2A  What would have happened? If...... 2
2B  Give functions 2
2C  Who am I? 2
3A  Odd man out? 4
3B  True or False? 2
3C  Give two example each 4
4A  Which types of pollution do these express 1
4B  Deduce the molecular formulae of the compound obtained from the following pairs Of elements by cross multiplication method. 4
5  Give scientific reasons 6
6A  Answer the following 10
6B  Answer the following 2
7  Draw diagrams and label it 3
Q.No History (Chp.: 5 to 9) Marks
1  Rewrite the statement with appropriate option 3
2  Explain the statements with reasons (Any 2) 4
3  Write the names
4  Answer in one sentences  2
5  Answer in 25 to 30 words. (Any 2) 4
6  Short notes (Any 2) 4
Q.No Civics (Chp.: 03) Marks
1  Choose the correct option and rewrite the statement 3
2  Find and write 2
3  Answer in Brief  (Any 1) 2
4  Explain the following concept  (Any 1) 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 03 - 05)) Marks
1  Choose the correct option 4
2  Match the column 4
3  Name the landforms in the figure  2
4  GIve geographycal reasons (Any 2) 4
5  Differentiate between 4
6  Answer the following (Any 2) 4
7  Solve the following 3
8  Draw neat diagram and labele it 2


Std Ninth (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.:1.1 to 1.5 &2.1 to 2.6) Marks

Language Study

1A  Do as directed. (Any 4) 4
i  Write two compound words of your own  
ii  Make meaningful sentence using phrase  
iii  Spot the error and correct the sentence  
iv  Pick out the infinitive in the following sentence  
v  Identify the types of sentence  
vi  Find out hidden words from the given word  
vii  Form a present/past participle in which last letter is double  
1B  Do as directed. (Any 2) 4
i  Change the voice.  
ii  Homographs  
iii  Homophone  
iv  Change the tense  
v  Direct and indirect speech  
vi  Make a word chain of  
vii  Arrange the word in alphabetical order  
1C  Do as directed. (Any 1) 2
i  Use the word as noun and a verb in two separate sentences  
ii  Pick out the clauses and state its type  
iii  Pick out the modAl auxiliary and state the function  
   Textual Passage (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)  
2A  Read the passage and do the activities 10
i  Objective based questions. 2
ii  Answer the following questions 2
iii  Give the meaning of 2
iv  Do as directed 2
v  Personal Response 2
2B  Read the following passage and do the activities 10
i  Objective based questions 2
ii  Answer the following questions 2
iii  Give the noun form 2
iv  Do as directed 2
v  Personal Response 2
3A  Read the following poem and do the given activities 5
i   Objective based questions 2
ii  Answer the following questions 2
iii  Name and explain the figure of speech 1
3B  Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given                  points in a paragraph format : 5
i  The title and the poet of the poem 1
ii  Rhyme scheme 1
iii  Figure of speech 1
iv  Central idea / Theme 2
   Non Textual Passage  
4A  Read the following passage and complete the activities 10
i  Objective based questions 4
ii  Answer the following questions 2
iii  Do as directed 2
iv  Personal Response 2
4B  Write a summary on the based of the passage. 5
   Writing Skills  
5  Letter Writing i)Formal letter OR (ii) Informal letter 5
6A  Information Transfer i)            Verbal to Non – verbal OR (ii) Non verbal to Verbal 5
6B  Speech Writing OR  View – Counterview 5
   Creative Writing  
7A  Expand the theme OR News Report 5
7B  Developing a story OR Narrating an experience 5
Q.No Hindi (Chp.: 6 - 11) Marks
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 5 - 8) Marks
Q.No Algebra (Chp.: 4 - 9) Marks
1A  Four alterative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct  alternative and write the alphabet of that answer 4
B  Solve the following questions. 4
2A  Complete and write any two activities from the following. 4
B  Solve any four sub-questions from the following. 8
3A  Complete and write any ONE activities from the following. 3
B  Attempt any two sub-questions. 6
4  Attempt any two sub-questions from the following 8
5  Attempt any one sub-questions from the following. 3
Q.No Geometry (Chp.: 3 - 5) Marks
1A  Four alterative answers are given for every sub-question. Select the correct  alternative and write the alphabet of that answer 4
1B  Solve the following questions. 4
2A  Complete and write any two activities from the following 4
2B  Solve any four sub-questions from the following 8
3A  Complete and write any ONE activities from the following 3
3B   Attempt any two sub-questions. 6
4  Attempt any two sub-questions from the following. 8
5  Attempt any one sub-questions from the following 3
Q.No Science 1 (Chp.: 3,4,5 &11) Marks
1A  Fill in the blanks 5
2A  Answer the following. 5
a  Find the odd man out  
b  Match the pairs  
c  True or false  
d  Name the following  
e  Correlations  
2B  Give scientific reason (Any 2) 4
3A  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
3B  Answer the following (Any 5) 15
4  Answer any one of the following 5
Q.No  Science 2 (Chp.: 6,15,16 &17) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 5
2A  Answer the following 5
a  Find the odd man out  
b  Match the pairs  
c  True or false  
d  Name the following  
e  Correlations  
2B  Give scientific reason (Any 2) 4
3A  Answer the following (Any 3) 6
3B  Answer the following (Any 5) 15
4  Answer any one of the following 5
Q.No History (Chp.: 06 to 08) Marks
1  Choose the correct option and write the sentence 3
2  Identify the wrong pair  3
3  Explain the following concept with reason (Any 3) 6
4  Write in brief (Any 3) 9
5  Write Answer in 25-30 words (any 1) 3
6  Explain with reason (any 1) 2
   Explain the following concept (any 1) 2
Q.No Political Science (Chp.: 4 & 6) Marks
1  Complete the statement by choosing the proper option 3
2  Explain with reason weather the following sentence are true or false (any 2) 4
3  Explain the following with reasons  (Any 3) 6
4  Explain the following concept (any 1) 2
Q.No Geography (Chp.: 03 - 05)) Marks
1  Select the correct option 4
2  Match the following 4
3  Complete the following table 4
4  Answer in brief (Any 3) 6
5  Identify the type of tourism 4
6  Answer in Detail (Any 2) 4
7  Distinguish between. (Any 2) 6
8  Explain in Details. (Any 2) 8

