Paper Pattern Pre Primary 2nd Sem

Nursery 2nd Semester 
Q.No English Marks
1  Write complete (A – Z). 13
2  Match the letters. 6
3  Circle the correct letter by   identifying the pictures. 5
4  Write the first letter of the picture. 6
Q.No Maths Marks
1  Write number (1 – 10) 10
2  Count and write (1 – 5) 5
3  Match the numbers. 7
4  Find the given number and colour   it. 8


Junior kg 2nd Semester
Q.No English Marks
1  Write cursive letters (a – z) 6
2  Write the missing letters. 4
3  Dictation. 10
4  Match small letters to cursive   letters. 5
5  Circle the correct letter. 5
Q.No Maths Marks
1  Write number (25 – 50). 6
2  Missing numbers (25 – 50). 6
3  Count & Write (11 – 20) 6
4  Match Number Names. 6
5  Number Names (1 – 10). 6


Senior kg 2nd Semester
Q.No English Marks
1  Fill in the blanks. 10
2  Dictation words. 5
3  Answer the following. 4
4  Write ‘a’ and ‘n’. 6
5  Write 5 sentences on My School. 5
Q.No Maths Marks
1  Write missing numbers (51 – 100). 5
2  Write number names (26 – 50). 5
3  Numbers (51 – 100) . 6
4  Count and Write (20 – 30) 5
5  Match Shapes. 4
6  Subtraction. 5
Q.No Environment studies Marks
1  Fill in the Blanks 6
2  Circle the correct words 6
3  Answer the following 6
4  Look at the picture and write   whether the following is living or   non living things  6
5  Name the following 6
6  Tick whether the following is [–] or  [×]  