Paper Pattern Primary 1st Sem

Std First (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Unit : 3 & 4) Marks
1  Dictation of words 4
2  Complete the following sentence    2
3  Answer the following questions 2
4  Spot the animal whose name begin with 1
5  Match the animals to their sound 2
6  Write the shelter of the animals 2
7  Fill in the blanks with correct preposition near or under 2
8  Rhyming words 2
9  Essay writing 3
Q.No Maths (Chp.: Introduction and writing of 0 to Let us learn Tens) Marks
1  Write the numbers in figures 2
2  Write the number names 2
3  Write the table of 5
4  Count and pictures and add 1
5  Fill in the blanks 3
6  Word problem (addition) 2
7  Observe the picture and fill in the boxes 1
8  Word problem (subtraction) 2
9  Write in the increasing order 1
10  Write in the decreasing order 1
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 9 to 14) Marks


Std Second (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 2.1 to 2.9)  Marks
1  Dictation words. 2
2  Answer the following. 2
3   Arrange the following words in a proper order to make a meaningful sentence 1
4  Look at the pictures writes two sentences. 2
5  Complete the following story with the help of hint. 3
6  Who am I? 2
1  Underline the vowels 1
2  Circle the adjectives. 1
3  Write the plural form of the following. 1
4  Rewrite the following sentences using capital letters, full stops and question marks at the appropriate places. 2
5  Composition “My Best Friend” “Colour” “Good Habits”. (Any one) 3
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 11 to 20) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks. 3
2  Solve 1
3  Add 3
4  Subtract 3
5  Add and Subtract the pair 2
6  Write the number names. 2
7  Word problem 4
8  Fill in the boxes 2
Q.No Marathi Marks


Std Third (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 11 – 15, 17 - 20 Marks
1  Read the poem and answer the following questions. (Seen passage) 6
2  Read the passage and answer the following questions. (Seen Passage) 6
3  Read the passage and answer the following questions. (Unseen passage) 6
1  Fill in the correct question words 2
2  Underline the verb. 2
3 Underline the collective noun in each sentences. 2
4  Identify the tenses in the following sentences. 2
5  Write an essay  4
Q.No Maths (Chp.:  5 to 9)  Marks
1  Fill in the blanks. 4
2  Solve the following 5
3  Write the total amount in the empty box. 4
4  Complete the pattern. 3
5  Determine whether the figures given below are symmetrical or not symmetrical. 4
6  Multiply. 4
7  Solve (word problems) 6
Q.No EVS Oral (Chp. 7),             Writing (Chp.:  6,8,10,11) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks   4
2  True of False 4
3  Match the following 4
4  Answer the following questions 6
5  Answer in brief. (Any 4) 8
6  Complete the chart. 4
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 9 to 11, 13 to 16) Marks


Std Fourth (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 9 - 17) Marks
1 Read the following passage and answer the following questions. 6
2  Read the poem and answer the following questions. 6
3  Read the passage and answer the following questions. 6
1  Do as directed 8
2  Formal letter Writing or composition 4
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 5 - 8) Marks
1A  Fill in the blanks. 4
B  Write the correct the number in the blanks 3
C  Write the time shown in the clock 3
2A  Carry out the following multiplication 2
B  Carry out the divisions  4
3  Multiply     6
4  Word problem  8
Q.No EVS - 1 Oral (Chp. 12),             Writing (Chp. 6 to 11) Marks
1A  Fill in the blanks   3
B  State the whether the following   statement are true or false 3
C  Match the following 4
2  Name the following 4
3  Answer the following in one sentence 4
4  Give reason (Any 2) 6
5  Answer the following question in three to four sentence each (Any 2) 6
Q.No EVS - 2 Oral (Chp. 9),            Writing (Chp.: 5 to 8) Marks
1A  Fill in the blanks 4
B  Match the pair 3
C  Name the person 3
D  Form the correct word from the given letter 4
2  Answer the following in one sentence 4
3  Give reason (Any 2) 6
4  Answer in brief (Any 2) 6
Q.No Marathi (Chp.: 9 - 16) Marks


Std Fifth (1st Semester )
Q.No English (Chp.: 9,10,12,13,15) Marks
1 Read the following poem and answer the following question. (Seen) 5
2  Read the passage and answer the following question. (Seen) 5
3  Read the passage and answer the following question. (Seen) 5
4  Read the passage and answer the following question (Unseen).  5
5  Grammar 10
6  Write an essay on 5
7  Letter writing 5
Q.No Maths (Chp.: 5 to 8) Marks
1  Write the names of the arcs formed by the points in the given figure. 4
2  Complete the following table. 2
3  Write the factors of the following Numbers. 2
4  Add the unlike fractions. 4
5  Subtract the unlike fractions. 4
6  Draw and Name the following angles with the help of a protector 4
7  Write the proper symbol from < , > , = in the box 4
8  Write the proper number in the box. 2
9  Convert the given fractions into like fractions. 4
10  Draw the circle with radii given below. 4
11  Solve (word problems) 6
Q.No EVS - 1 Oral (Chp. 7),             Writing (Chp. 8 to 11)  Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 4
2  Name the following 4
3  Match the following. 4
4  Correct the following statements & re-write them 4
5  Answer the following question in one sentence each 5
6  Identify the following sign and symbol and write their names in the boxes 3
7  Answer in short (any 2) 6
8  Give reasons (any 2) 6
9  Study the political map of Indian given below and answer the following questions 4
Q.No EVS - 2  Writing (Chp.: 3 & 4) Marks
1  Fill in the blanks 4
2  True or False. 4
3  Match the following. 4
4  Answer in one sentence. 6
5  Complete the chart 4
6  Arrange the event given below in Choronological order 4
7  Answer in brief (any 2) 8
8  Given reason (any 2)  6
Q.No Marathi (Chp. 1 to 8) Marks
Q.No Hindi (Chp. 8 to 14) Marks


